Dubai-based Dulsco Group, a regional leader in environmental, people, talent and energy recruitment solutions, has announced a new global partnership with The Rocket Foundation ahead of the UN's World Water Day.

The partnership will see Dulsco Group finance a water body called the Purana Faredua Pond to assist with a vast reforestation initiative in The Flow Partnership's Reforesting Baran Project.
More than 350,000 trees will be replanted across a 125-square-kilometre area, bringing life and vitality back through a rejuvenated environment to support 220 villages in the Indian state of Rajasthan. The pond's creation will contribute a maximum of 32,000 m3 of water to the area and include planting 4,000 trees.
The extensive project is already underway, and water retention will be addressed by creating a series of structures, including large ponds, so water is not lost when it rains.
The project's second pillar focuses on soil regeneration, combating the vicious cycle of drought and soil degradation. Then, once the water balance and health of the soil are restored, the third pillar will see the planting of more than 350,000 trees in the area.
David Stockton, Chief Executive Officer at Dulsco Group, said: “We have more than 5,500 individuals from India working within our Dulsco family. In addition to increasing our CSR efforts here in the UAE, we wanted to explore supporting a project of significance in the homeland of a large portion of our team. We want to leave a legacy that can shape generations, and the reforestation of Baran allows us to make a huge impact not only on the environment but also on hundreds of families in the region.”
“We are delighted to welcome Dulsco Group as a partner on the Reforesting Baran project—there is a huge opportunity for transformative change for the environment and natural ecosystem as well as for the communities who live there,” said Rebecca Berlinger from The Rocket Foundation.
“Our mission at The Rocket Foundation is to identify, engage, and support change-makers who strive to create and promote a better world. We are hugely excited about The Reforesting Baran Project, which is focused on ecosystem regeneration and has the overarching ambition to provide self-reliance and food security for the 220 villages impacted,” continued Rebecca.
Women from the local community are responsible for collecting water for their families
– often walking miles each day. With one woman's perseverance, she dug a well, and when the water came, other women in nearby villages were encouraged to do the same, and thus Jal-Saheli (Friends of Water) was established.
The Jal-Saheli are a growing group of women responsible for carrying forward the women and water security agenda, providing leadership towards the collective assertion of rights/entitlements, and raising water issues at the village level.
A team from Dulsco Group will travel to the region to help with the project's physical requirements and meet with those directly affected by the reforestation, including those from the Sahariya tribe and women from Jal-Saheli (Friends of Water).
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